Like Windows and Mac, a wide collection of drivers and software are not available in chrome store. Since it is difficult to figure out package installer for Chrome OS, you may feel difficulties in solving each and every issue in Chromebook.
#Chrome snipping tool for mac how to
How to use snipping tool and took snipping screenshot in Chromebook or Chrome OS? Mac, Linux, whatever it is, tools exactly perform like windows snipping tool is not available. So installing third-party tools are the only possible option. Unfortunately, no other OS handles tools with the same interface. So, people, those are a regular user of snipping tool, once migrated to other OS, or using Chrome OS via bootable USB, definitely start looking for this tiny utility. It was also capable of saving the screenshot in various format and also includes small editing tools. Snipping tool in windows is able to take entire page screenshot, rectangular area snaps, and free-form snapshots. Windows bring this feature first to Windows Vista and all followed versions had it by default. There are no difficult features or hidden functionalities which makes difficulties for beginners to adjust to it. There is no need to install other bloatware tools for just taking screenshots which can be easily done with snipping tool. First of all, it comes by default and people used to it.

There are many reasons why snipping tool has its own position among people.

Still this tiny piece of software manages to get thousands of users globally and the became the No.1 tool for screenshot takers. In case of Windows, snipping tool has a lot of limitations and there are many other tools out there to overcome its limitations. Snipping Tool is a small utility program comes with windows installation which can be used to take snippets of items which are visible on your computer screen. If you are a windows user, you may know what is a snipping tool.